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Sassafras Gap |

Sassafras Gap

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3/18/14 – Total Miles 61.0

I’m starving and I’m freezing. At least the rain was minimal today… mostly tree rain. I did pass someone today! A lady thru hiking with her two kids. I was so proud of myself… Finally, I get to pass someone. Then I find out she had a broken foot and is ending her attempt. Oh well, my day is coming!!! I’m in my tent because it is too cold not to be. I want dinner and I have no one to bring it to me!

Still no TM (Trail Magic). I’m hoping for hot chocolate… The pic is mostly what I have seen the last few days.


7 Responses to Sassafras Gap

  1. Steve Gorey

    Think how much you will appreciate sunshine and dry weather. Had to start rough to make you appreciate what will follow. Babs

  2. Trolley Stop

    The good news…the first week is behind you and you’re still traveling north. (Those boots could use a shine).

  3. Mike Green

    Sunshine is on the way !

  4. Caroline Jordan

    Thinking all good thoughts for you, my friend!

  5. Jennifer Wichmann

    Chris – The Trail Magic will come. When I was long distance hiking on the AT, I went from the depths of despair in a camping site laundromat (after I melted my boot insoles to the inside of a dryer), to being invited to dinner with a group of weekend campers with a huge helpings of beef stew, garlic bread and what I still believe is the best brownie I have ever eaten. And you’ll get in such good shape that it will be hard to walk when you don’t have your pack on – you’ll be running without any effort! Stay warm and keep taking it a step at a time. You’re doing great! – Jen

  6. Chris Reck

    Chris, right now your body is saying, WTF! We sit in a climate controlled office and have food served to us on glass plates! We dont do……THIS! WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?! In another 2 weeks its going to finally get the message that this is the new way of being. You will be amazed at how much different you feel in 2 weeks. I would modify Victor’s statement from another post to say, the pain you are feeling right now is DISPATCH leaving the body! Hang in there. There is a much younger set of legs that will be taking over soon. Keep going and remember rest days are ok too.

    PS: some treats are on the way

  7. Cliff

    Your doing a great job.Thoughts and prayers go with you.

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